
Transport is one of the cornerstones of Europe’s competitive ability. With a yearly turnover of 1,250 billion euro and over 10 million jobs, the transport sector is essential to the European economy and society. A key challenge facing this sector is the ever-growing demand for mobility of goods and people, requiring smart technological and infrastructural solutions. To retain its efficiency and sustainability, the sector works on various innovations, such as automated and connected vehicles, sustainable fuels like bio-LNG, hydrogen and electricity, innovating transport safety, and developing IT solutions and smart technologies for logistics.

PNO Consultants aims to advance the transport sector in Europe. We do that by promoting innovation: setting up transport related projects, establishing partnerships between companies in the sector, assisting projects looking for funding, or researching new developments in the sector, such as Mobility as a Service (MaaS), Sharing Economy for logistics and the Physical Internet. We aim to ensure ‘future-proof’ transport and logistics.