PNO Consultants has been at the heart of these turbulant sectors. We recognise the immense potential of the biobased economy and aim to contribute to a solid foundation for a thriving European Agro & Bio sector. In Agro & Bioeconomy, we are involved in cutting-edge food and agriculture advancements: preventing food-related diseases, reducing waste flows, and promoting sustainability through fermentation or heat transfer processes. We develop visions and roadmaps and provide policy advice and studies. In the BIO-TIC project, we advised the European Commission on a roadmap for the bioeconomy. We also contribute by conceptualizing projects, finding the right partners, providing advice on public funding opportunities, writing proposals, and supporting organisations throughout the implementation phase. We strive to connect ideas and ambitions of the biggest players in these sectors, in order to stimulate further development of Agro & Bioeconomy.