The speed of change has been increasing, often driven by technological innovation, on an exponential level. Organisations must learn to deal with this constantly changing environment in a number of areas such as increasing computing power, breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, the development of completely new materials with revolutionary properties, novel production methods and new production models. All these changes have the potential to drastically alter the status quo of an organisation. Think of how sectors have been changed in the past by the introduction of new business models; the taxi industry experienced a surge of change upon the introduction of Uber and the hotel industry by (a PNO customer!). The way Adidas uses 3D printing methods to make completely personalized shoes or how Teflon has improved cookware in our kitchens by applying a new way of thinking; these are all part of a never-ending list of ground-breaking changes in industries lead by innovation.

The changing times mean organisations must streamline their innovation processes. Organisations should look for technology and market trends that can influence their activities, research new possibilities and consider collaborating with other parties to help implement change. With that comes the development and management of innovation and a strategy, in which new products, processes and tactics are developed, financed and introduced to the market. Within this process, PNO plays a critical role offering funding and innovation support in every step throughout the ‘road to success’.

We warmly invite you to read the stories of our consultants: it gives you an even better impression of who we are, and what we do. And if you want to elaborate on one of the subjects in this brand-new corporate magazine, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to answer your questions.

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