Innovation Place platform: features
The Innovation Place platform offers a set of features supporting the innovation processes:
- Expert search: This offers you the opportunity to find the right collaboration for your innovation project. You can propose a project where you are looking for experts. Through the support of a PNO consultant, qualified experts will be sought within the PNO network, within the Innovation Place platform and in several European platforms within leading industrial associations and clusters. Only pre-qualified candidates for your project will contact you to propose how they can help.
- Join projects: You can join innovative projects proposed by other organisations. Dozens of projects within Innovation Place are searching for qualified partners to join their consortia, proposed by leading research centres, innovative SMEs and large corporates. You will be able to browse these innovative project ideas and consortia and access such opportunities, entering in projects relevant for your innovation and accessing new knowledge. All projects opportunities seeking partners are provided in the English language.
- Search funding: You will be able to search for, find and be informed on relevant funding opportunities for your innovation projects. The European Union and national governments continuously update their public funding opportunities. In Innovation Place, you always have access to the most recent information on all European funding programs for research and development and national funds in six countries: the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Italy. All grant information is provided in English. For national grants, a searchable abstract in English is also present.
- Project management: Make use of the project management platform to collaborate with partners in collaborative research projects thanks to not only a shared documents’ repository, but specific collaborative working tools. Think of a project partner list, calendar, doodles, polls, comments and mailing list. Innovation Place also offers the possibility to be customised to the project’s look & feel, and can be integrated into the official project website.
- Project portfolio: You are able to manage your project portfolio: project status, funding required, partners, documents related to each project, and tools to facilitate the project’s management activities. All the information relevant for your projects is accessible in one single place.
- Intelligence tools: You can search patents, funded projects and technical papers. Innovation Place offers access to more than 58 million patent documents worldwide, containing information about inventions and technical developments from 1985 to today. It allows you to navigate through a database of all European and nationally funded projects for state-of-the-art and benchmarking analyses, and to search and navigate several million scientific publications aggregated from a wide range of Open Access Repositories.
Once logged in on the web platform, a quick chat with a PNO consultant allows you to ask information, advice and assistance on the services of your interest.
How does our Innovation Place platform work?
There are three versions of the Innovation Place platform available:
- The online free version is accessible through the Innovation Place website. The free version allows you access to all the functionalities after registration.
- The server version is available to large corporates and research organisations managing dozens of projects per year. Innovation Place will then be installed on a PNO server or on your premises. This version offers a complete set of features, including partner management, a document management system, and funding budget management.
- The integrated or customised version is available for intermediaries (industrial associations, clusters, and so on). It can be customised with your look and feel and integrated or linked to your website. This version will allow your associated members to access all the features of Innovation Place, including the possibility to reach experts and access projects, directly from your website. The integration is invisible; your organisation remains the only contact point for your partners.
By using our Innovation Place platform, our network and all our trusted partners become available to you. Currently, the Innovation Place platform has a reach of over 40,000 organisations, and is embedded in more than 15 industrial associations and clusters’ websites, including those we participate in. You will be easily able to interact with a community of thousands of European project stakeholders directly from your profile. You will regularly receive a dedicated newsletter with a free listing of potential public funding opportunities and flash news about events, projects and networking opportunities of interest to your business.
Interested in Innovation Place?
Are you looking for a solution to manage your projects portfolio or access project opportunities and experts? We would be happy to discuss if Innovation Place could be the solution for you. Feel free to contact us through your nearest country office.