Innovation exploitation plan: our service
Our economic assessments help you to improve your insight into the possible economic performance of your innovation project, and set up an exploitation plan accordingly. The analysis is aimed at exploring early-on the economic strengths and weaknesses of your project, in order to enable successful market introduction. Depending on the type of analysis, we offer you an overview of future costs and benefits, determine the economic justification and explore the financial feasibility.
- Identify economic strengths and weaknesses: through an explorative cost-benefit assessment, insight is given into possible economic strengths and weaknesses of your project.
- Financial feasibility: a financial feasibility study provides you with an understanding of the possible financial implications of your project after market introduction.
- Funding strategies: building on the outcomes of the financial feasibility, we help you create a funding strategy for the exploitation of your project.
- Exploitation strategies: we support you in the analysis of the market potential of your innovation project’s results, in the identification of interested stakeholders and establishing contact with them, and in the development and implementation of a commercialisation and exploitation plan.
How does our service work?
We will start our analysis with an in-depth consultation about your strategy, your innovation and your potential markets. Depending on the type of analysis, we will subsequently:
- draft an economic model based on costs & benefits
- explore the financial feasibility
- determine – in close consultation with you – a funding strategy
- develop and implement an exploitation plan
The analyses will be tailored to your needs and interests. By involving our sector specialists, the analyses are specified to the characteristics of your sector and market.
Interested in an innovation exploitation plan?
PNO Consultants is in contact with more than 15,000 distinct organisations in Europe, and publishes dozens of original analyses annually. We can build on our financial and sector expertise, our deep knowledge of the market and our contact with relevant stakeholders to perform strong economic assessments and build working exploitation strategies.
Feel free to contact us. Our experts would be glad to make time for an informal chat. Please leave your information in our contact form, or get in touch with your nearest country office.