Valuable products from algae using new magnetic cultivation and extraction techniques

Environmental problems like global warming and air and ground pollution are neck and neck with global problems of fuel supply. The VALUEMAG project may offer a very promising solution to both these problems: the development of microalgae-based bio-refineries. VALUEMAG proposes a revolutionary, innovative, and eco-friendly solution to reduce significantly the associated costs, thus building more efficient microalgae-based bio-refinery systems. PNO Consultants assists this revolutionary technology with stakeholder analysis and communication and dissemination strategies.

Overview of the VALUEMAG project

The VALUEMAG project focuses on:

  • developing a photobioreactor system (mPBR) based on magnetics nanoparticles and a magnetic steel cone
  • optimizing cultivation parameters

Objectives of the project: advanced method for micro-algae cultivation

VALUEMAG project seeks to develop an advanced magnetic method for micro-algae cultivation and harvesting at minimum cost. It further includes adapted bio-refineries conception to treat microalgae biomass and thus:

  • producing holistic food from microalgae biomass
  • obtaining commercially valuable products (cosmetics & nutraceuticals)

Our involvement in the project

We are helping  VALUEMAG to reach its objective of becoming a real available eco-friendly business through several responsibilities within the project:

  • We perform several analyses for an in-depth study of socio-economic and environmental consequences.
  • We identify main stakeholders who can boost the commercial stage for VALUEMAG.
  • We carry out communication and dissemination tasks to ensure a good marketing strategy and help create a microalgae industry network.