OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risks

Extreme weather events as a result of climate change are having a high impact in European territories and are of global concern. Nature-based approaches can offer sustainable solutions to cope with climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges. However, the employment of nature-based solutions (NBS) for the mitigation of hydro-meteorological phenomena is not adequately demonstrated and still uncoordinated at the European level. Therefore, it is not reaching its full potential. This is where the OPERANDUM project comes in.

The objective of OPERANDUM is to reduce hydro-meteorological risks in European territories through co-designed, co-developed, deployed, tested and demonstrated innovative green and blue/grey/hybrid NBS, and push business exploitation. It aims at the provision of science-evidence for the usability of NBS, best practices for their design based on participatory processes. It foresees a multiple-level stakeholders engagement from the local community up to the international level to leverage widest possible NBS acceptance. It establishes the framework for the strengthening of NBS-based policies according to local legislation and promotes technology and innovation in NBS to create a European leadership.

OPERANDUM is based on open-air laboratories (OALs), a new concept that expands the Living Labs to a wider vision for natural and rural areas. In OALs novel NBS in 7 European countries are implemented to address specific risks and their effectiveness, assessed through innovative monitoring systems and cutting-edge numerical modelling approaches.

OPERANDUM realizes a multi-dimensional open and flexible platform enabling stakeholders and end users to improve knowledge in NBS to mitigate climate change as well as ways to promote and exploit the improved/preserved environment while increasing business opportunities.