PNO Consultants and Acker & Partners join forces in Spain

PNO Consultants Spain and Acker & Partners have joined forces. Acker & Partners is a specialist in the Spanish tax credit market and, in that regard, is highly complementary with PNO’s activities in Spain.

Broad portfolio of services

The world of innovation is developing at a breakneck pace, impacting the innovation funding landscape, which is simultaneously expanding and becoming more complex. As a provider of innovation and public funding consultancy, it is crucial to meet the growing and increasingly demanding needs of innovative companies. To do so, in-depth expertise and capabilities across a wide variety of areas are invaluable assets. Acker & Partners and PNO Consultants fit together seamlessly in this regard, making the merger highly synergistic.

Highly experience

Founded in 2011, Acker & Partners operates in R&D&I-intensive sectors in Spain, with specific experience in, among others, technology, banking, insurance, manufacturing, construction, logistics and transportation, pharmaceutical laboratories, food, agriculture and chemical industries. Acker & Partners is successfully involved in Spanish innovation funding schemes and realizes an absolute top success rate in tax credit applications submitted. Acker & Partners employs 9 people and has offices in Madrid.

Inspiring partnership and matching needs

Ana Espert, deputy director of PNO Consultants in Spain, states: “Acker is a key player in the Spanish tax credit market, where they have a solid and successful track record with long-term client relationships based on delivering high added-value quality services. Their growth ambitions align with ours, as they are also keen on exploring new areas. I eagerly anticipate an inspiring partnership where we can complement each other’s expertise, ultimately benefiting our mutual clients.”

This is underscored by Eduardo Abad and Javier Garbayo, managing partners of Acker & Partners: “In PNO Consultants we see a partner that fits us in many ways. Their expertise in EU funding, as well as their broad services portfolio – including AI-based support tools – match our needs seamlessly. Their capability to manage even the largest innovation projects while prioritizing quality of service makes PNO the ideal partner. We can’t wait to start working together.”

More information

Both PNO and Acker are highly motivated to work towards a highly beneficial collaboration for all stakeholders. Clients will be kept updated as much as possible and given the opportunity to profit from this cooperation. If you have specific questions following this message, please contact your regular PNO Contact or send us a message.