Horizon Europe Training Courses

As expert in EU research & innovation funding, PNO organises a series of Horizon Europe training courses. Each training module is fine-tuned to the needs of Horizon Europe beneficiaries, allowing you to acquire essential know-how, tools and techniques. Interested in an in-house or online training? Contact us for a quote!

As an (aspiring) beneficiary of EU research & innovation funding, you might be asking yourself the following questions:

  • How can I ensure that all our costs, accounting procedures and policies are fully in line with the Horizon Europe financial rules?
  • Am I certain that our project managers have all the necessary project management skills to successfully coordinate a complex European project from start to finish?
  • What steps do I need to take to fully prepare my organisation in time for our first Horizon Europe call?

Our courses help you answer these questions to give you more insight in the program rules so you can deliver impactful project results.

1. Finances in Horizon Europe

Involvement of staff with a profound understanding of the financial rules is key to ensure a solid project administration and prevent potential cost rejections. This module offers participants a dedicated training in Horizon Europe finances, addressing a wide range of topics such as cost eligibility rules, audit preparation, budget management, real-life examples and key financial novelties in Horizon Europe.

  • Target audience: Horizon Europe project managers, research administrators, project advisors, financial controllers, contract managers, researchers, administrative support staff

2. Horizon Europe Project Manager: Full Training Package

Managing a Horizon Europe project poses many challenges and requires a sound understanding of rules and project management techniques. A well-equipped Project Manager is a vital prerequisite to avoid common pitfalls and deliver impactful project results. Our Horizon Europe Project Manager – Full Training Package offers participants a thorough all-round training, tailored to the specific needs of Horizon Europe Project Managers.

  • Target audience: Horizon Europe project managers, project coordinators, principal investigators, research administrators, project advisors, grant advisors, EU liaison officers, public funding managers


3. Horizon Europe: What to expect & how to prepare

This training guides participants through the Horizon Europe design process and key programme elements. It provides detailed insights on the changes and novelties in terms of funding instruments, implementation and participation rules. In addition, it highlights the most important tools and resources to allow organisations and their administration to get the most out of this programme.

  • Target audience: EU project managers, project coordinators, principal investigators, research administrators, project advisors, grant advisors, EU liaison officers, public funding managers, business developers, policy officers, financial controllers, contract managers, researchers, R&D managers


Participant testimonial

We have been providing training for the Horizon program for years. The Horizon 2020 training courses, precursors to the Horizon Europe offering, attracted enthusiastic participants from all over Europe:


PNO Innovation: your expert in EU R&I grants

Based on over 35 years of experience in the fields of EU grants, PNO Innovation offers a wide range of services including funding scans, proposal development, innovation services, audit support, compliance checks and project management. We work for start-ups, SMEs, large companies, universities, consortia, RTOs, NGOs and public bodies in many different sectors.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information on our trainings and other services!