What is ATTRACT?
The Attract funding program is an initiative by six of Europe’s leading scientific laboratories: CERN, the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (European XFEL) and Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL). They are joining forces with experts in Business Education and Management to develop next-generation scientific tools and co-create new product, companies and jobs. The other partners are: Aalto University, European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA) and ESADE Business and Law Schools.
The program provides start-up capital to projects focused on scientific technologies for society. These technology’s must be realised within ten years. The purpose of ATTRACT is to create a systematic framework that transforms breakthrough technologies to ground-breaking innovations. These innovations have the potential to create an entire new range of applications and markets that can change our society.
Who can use the ATTRACT Call?
The project proposals shall be submitted as a joint proposal by a group of at least two independent legal entities. Legal entities must having their seat in the European Union or a Horizon 2020 Associated country.
Requirements of the ATTRACT Call
The total available budget is 17 million euro. The best projects receive 100,000 euros in starting capital to implement their idea. Among other things, the technology content and the innovation potential count in the assessment. The deadline for submitting an application, consisting of a maximum of four A4 pages, is 31 October 2018. All projects receiving funding must show the following results:
- A final summary of the project in PDF format
- A poster and Power Point presentation
- A scientific article with a summary of the most important project results and the methodologies used.
- The parties must present these results at the ATTRACT final evaluation conference in Brussels in September 2020.
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