ANRAV soll das erste Projekt in Osteuropa sein, das die gesamte CCUS-Wertschöpfungskette umfasst und Anlagen zur CO2-Abscheidung im Zementwerk der HeidelbergCement-Tochter Devnya Cement in der Nähe von Varna, Bulgarien, über ein Pipelinesystem mit Offshore-Lagerstätten im Schwarzen Meer verbindet.
Das sagt HeidelbergCement über PNO Consultants
„Writing a proposal for the EU Innovation Fund, especially when it is the first application, is a demanding exercise. We have experienced when preparing the ANRAV proposal that it can only be successful if both the Consultant and the Proponent team are working hand-in-hand to get it done. ANRAV has a unique value for Europe, for Bulgaria and for HeidelbergCement as well as Petroceltic. It is the first CCUS cluster at scale for industrial emitters in Eastern Europe, leveraging on the storage potential in the Black Sea and the experience of HeidelbergCement in carbon capture. The project will give a significant contribution to the Fit for 55 targets of Bulgaria.”
“PNO has been essential in the timely and high-quality work for the application. Both the Italian and the German branch of PNO has worked smoothly together with our Bulgarian team of Devnya cement and Petroceltic and the HeidelbergCement Group functions involved. PNO has shown to be able to keep a holistic view, yet to combine this with pragmatic, down to earth work which is necessary for a winning proposal.”
Jan Theulen, Director Technologies & Partnerships / Lead CCUS, HeidelbergCement
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