The ETS Innovation Fund (IF) provides support for low-carbon technologies. While results from H2020 offer promising solutions, the task of developing viable business cases and mobilising investors is demanding. Moreover, IF regulations pose challenges for the industry. The EU-funded DIAMONDS4IF project will ensure project viability, prepare applicants for IF applications, and develop a comprehensive approach towards stakeholders. It will also enhance understanding of relevant regulations and address questions arising from project planning. The project will create a toolbox and generate at least five robust proposals with detailed plans for scalability, commercialisation, and financial models. DIAMONDS4IF seeks to establish a continuous innovation pipeline from H2020 innovations to deployment.



DIAMONDS4IF accelerates the transformation of H2020 research into IF-ready projects, overcoming obstacles in transitioning R&D into successful ventures. By supporting and selecting H2020 results, we mobilize stakeholders and ensure project viability. Our focus on renewable energy drives our efforts to develop proposals for IF funding, nurturing an continuous innovation pipeline.

We’re developing a systematic approach to select and support H2020 results, fostering low-carbon processes through the ETS Innovation Fund (IF). Despite the promise of H2020 findings, translating them into viable products and securing funding presents challenges. Our project addresses these hurdles, ensuring readiness and guiding applicants through IF application preparation.


Navigating the regulation of the Innovation Fund (IF) can be a daunting task for industries seeking funding. DIAMONDS4IF tackles these challenges head-on by ensuring project viability of projects, streamlining IF application processes, and fostering stakeholders engagement. We provide clarity on regulations and guidelines, enabling projects to align closely with funding criteria and significantly enhance their prospects for success.


Our objectives focus on advancing renewable energy innovation through the development of critical tools and methodologies that drive project scalability and commercialization.

We are committed to crafting a minimum of 5 robust proposals for IF (Innovation Fund) funding, each accompanied by comprehensive plans for effective implementation.

Our long-term goal is to establish a sustainable innovation pipeline, effectively bridging the gap between H2020 discoveries and their practical deployment.


PNO Consultants GmbH (coordinator)

Meyer Burger (Industries) GmbH, part of Meyer Burger AG

RWE Offshore Wind GmbH, part of RWE group (RWE)


Innovation Engineering S.r.l.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101138004.