Implementing a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) is now an important step for the new European research & innovation programme, Horizon Europe.
Download our e-paper to have a perfect record on all GEP requirements!
The notion of ‘Sex’ refers to biological characteristics, whereas ‘Gender’ is a social construct and is not necessarily aligned with a person’s sex.
With the Gender Equality Plan (aka GEP), sex and gender are to be taken seriously under Horizon Europe.
Beware of a common misunderstanding: the ‘Gender chapter’ (Section 1.2.6 – Sex or Gender Dimension in the standard HEU Part B template) is not about gender balance in the project teams! Here you are expected to explain how your scientific approach is taking into account relevant sex and gender-related behaviours, needs and perceptions.
In this e-paper, you will learn:
Offices in EU
Years active
Total funding